Hello and welcome to my internet nook! My name is Dr. Giuseppe Chiaramonte. Over the past several years, I have had the opportunity to work in many different jobs (professional baseball player, business owner, deputy/police officer, teacher, coach–to name a few), collaborate with persons from a wide array of cultural backgrounds, and along the way overcome challenges which have provided rich and meaningful life experiences. Throughout these career opportunities, I have always kept education and teaching at the forefront of my goals and objectives. I earned my Bachelor of Arts English degree in 2018, Masters in Education with an emphasis on English Language Development in April of 2020, and Doctorate in Education (Organizational Innovation) on December 17, 2023 from National University in San Diego, CA. I am inspired to connect with students, parents, peers, and administrators in a collaborative effort to promote a diverse, safe, and positive learning environment.
A major influence in my burgeoning teaching career is my wife who I have been married to for the past 25+ years and my three children. Family is an important part of my life, and I constantly want to share these positive experiences with my past, present, and future students.

You may ask the question: What is your teaching philosophy? In short, I am a committed lifelong learner. A teaching philosophy is a nuanced intersection of experience, skills, funds of knowledge, commitment, passion, determination, self-efficacy, reflection, and drive to seek what is best for the individual student. I am constantly challenging myself and those around me to reach new heights in our professional and personal lives. This includes seeking out the best training, meeting with experienced and wise mentors, collaborating with peers who are constantly challenging the status quo through innovative ideas and original lesson plans, and creating interpersonal relationships that are founded on authentic interactions. With this in mind, the cornerstone of my teaching philosophy is based on cultivating a dynamic, interactive, and supportive classroom environment. It is of the utmost importance to take what is learned in the classroom and be able to apply those lessons to success in one’s chosen career and adult life. I am constantly searching for new ways to disseminate information in a meaningful way that engages the whole person through a multitude of different learning mediums.